Pricing (in CHF)*



  person costs** tourist taxes TOTAL
adult 9.50 2.00 7.00 18.50
child 6-16 7.50 2.00 3.50 13.00


Dog: 2.50

Your stay:

Tent 4,50
Caravan 4.50
Camper 9.00
Electricity 4,00

Your transport:

Car 4.50
Moto 3.00


Your stay in our hut:

Only with a reservation, we only have 1 hut (max 6 p.), no kitchen or bathroom in the hut, electricity is a must 4,00/night

 Adult, all taxes incl. 25,00
 Child 6 - 16, all taxes incl. 20,00


* Prices are per night

** Costs: environmental costs